Watch Dr. DeJesus discuss research on the development of children's food questions and answer parents' questions about picky eating in childhood (an extremely common experience!).
Watch to learn more about our research on food preparation and children's food choices! We found that children tend to eat more food that prepare themselves and this was true for salads AND desserts. You can read more on our research page.
Watch to learn more about our previous research in museum settings through the University of Michigan Living Lab program!
En Español: Encontramos que los niños decidieron comer lo que ellos mismo habían preparado. Los niños que prepararon pudín querían comer el pudín que ellos mismos prepararon y los que prepararon ensalada decidieron comer la ensalada que ellos mismo habían preparado.
Extended Q&A with Dr. DeJesus about her study on child food preparation and research with children, food, and health.
Development, Culture, and Health Lab in the news!
Talking about scientific results without overstating the findings: Interested in learning more about how scientists communicate about their research? This research was featured in Science, The Atlantic, Undark, and the University of California Santa Cruz News (home of our collaborator Maureen Callanan!).